Thursday, March 5, 2009

Very cool Anti-Gravity boots!

You may have probably heard of Anti-Gravity boots? Sounds cool right? But how did they do this... let me give you some insight to the amazing world of defying gravity!

First and foremost, what is Gravity?
Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of nature. No one really understands exactly why, but gravity is a force that pulls objects toward each other. The mass of the objects and distance between the objects affects the strength of the force of gravity. Greater masses attract with more force and the force weakens as the objects get further apart.

Therefore, what is Anti-Gravity?

Anti-gravity is a concept that focuses on creating a means of being free from the force of gravity. The idea has long been a staple in many works of science fiction and is often employed as a tool hat allows persons to manipulate the gravitational pull of a planet or other body to best advantage. Over the years, this has led to the imagination of all sorts of anti-gravity devices ranging from anti-gravity boots that allow persons to minimize the impact of gravity on the wearer to massive anti-gravity devices that make escaping the atmosphere of a planet in a simple process.

And one of the most amazing and entertaining invention (as for me...) that illustrates this concept is the Anti-Gravity boots!

I found this video on YouTube and feel free to watch and to experience this amazing Anti-Gravity Boots!

Accdg to, "'These boots were made for walking' -Nancy Sinatra"; "You'll be somersaulting your way to work before you know it. Be warned, though, a high profile business meeting is not the place for these boots. Neither is a wake. Or an arms convention."

And it's cost? Price: £92.99! Well, that is expected right? But at least, this is the closest and cheapest way to get to the Moon! :)

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